A bouquet of 15 pink roses is the embodiment of tenderness, romance and elegance. Pink roses are often associated with love, tenderness and prosperity in flower culture, and a bouquet of 15 of these roses expresses these feelings in an elegant way.
A bouquet of pink roses can be a gift for a variety of occasions: from birthdays and anniversaries to romantic meetings and wedding celebrations. This is a universal and beautiful gift that speaks of your feelings and care.
A beautifully presented bouquet of 15 pink roses is a wonderful way to express love, respect or congratulations on a special occasion.
Attention: the design of the bouquet, as well as the color of the packaging and ribbon may differ from the images shown.
Wonderful combination of charming delicate daisies and luxurious lilies. Pure white and light bouquet brings joy and serenity. Send your warm hugs to relatives or friends to cheer them at difficult moment with the help of this white miracle.