The orange color of the roses symbolizes the low sun and the bright decoration of autumn nature. This large bouquet will even catch the fancy of the pickiest women. You can present it to your beloved one when you invite her to the cafe, theater or cinema, to wish her happy family anniversary. As well they can be presented to a man, an extraordinary and explosive like the fiery buds on thorny stems. The bouquet is good as a gift for a birthday, professional holiday, anniversary.
Autumn will burst into the life of the one who will get this cheerful composition. Moreover, it can happen at any time of the year because it is so gorgeous! For our "Autumn Bouquet" we use only the freshest flowers, they resemble a carpet of fallen leaves that looks incredibly beautiful and romantic. The gift made of fragrant roses just goes to show that the fall is so beautiful!
Design of the bouquet may differ from the one presented on the site. The vase is not included into the price.