A delicate greeting bouquet for a woman, a girl.
Graceful creamy roses are often used in corporate compositions. And not only in women's but also in men's. In this case, you have a classic round female bouquet of 25 gorgeous roses tied with a wide light green ribbon.
Looking for a gift for a boss, supervisor, or business lady? Pay attention to this stylish flower present. It symbolizes the respect and admiration that all women need, regardless of status and position.
Composition: 25 (26) roses.
Size: 60 õ 50 ñm.
The vase is not included to the price. You can order it separately. Attention: the bouquet may differ from the image.
Wonderful combination of charming delicate daisies and luxurious lilies. Pure white and light bouquet brings joy and serenity. Send your warm hugs to relatives or friends to cheer them at difficult moment with the help of this white miracle.